Appointed Vice President of Malbex Resources Inc. in October 2009
Canadian trained economic geologist with over 25 years of experience in the mining exploration industry, plus time in federal and provincial geological surveys and as a university lecturer.
Field experience in Canada, Ecuador, Thailand, USA, Argentina, Morocco, Australia, Peru, Kazakhstan, and Panama
Registered Professional (Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario) since 2003
Panel de Exploración, 15:10-16:40
Malbex San Juan (subsidiary of TSX-Venture listed Malbex Resources Inc.) completed its first full season, field program (temporada) in May 2010. Malbex successfully tendered bids to IPEEM in 2008 for three projects, Del Carmen, Despoblados and Arroyo de Los Amarillos, that total over 22,000 hectares in the El Indio-Pascua Lama Belt (Cordillera Alta). The latest exploration programs consisted of: Del Carmen - geological mapping, geophysical surveying (mag, CSAMT) and 4700m of diamond drilling at Del Carmen Norte; geological mapping and prospecting at Del Carmen Sur; Despoblados - geological mapping and property and geophysical surveying (mag, CSAMT) of hypothesized “pull-apart basins” in the Veladero-Pascua-Lama structural corridor; Los Amarillos - geological mapping and geophysical surveying (mag, CSAMT) of known prospects and hydrothermal alteration zones, and property-wide reconnaissance stream sediment geochemical sampling.
Other completed work included interpretation of hydrothermal alteration in pre-existing satellite imagery (ASTER & Ikonos) of the El Indio-Pascua Lama Belt, re-interpretation of previous geophysical surveys on two of the properties and acquisition of new Ikonos satellite imagery of Del Carmen.
Drilling at Del Carmen Norte successfully tested seven targets of gold-silver mineralization on surface in the colour anomaly/alteration zone. Styles and mineralogy of hydrothermal alteration and mineralization are consistent with high-sulphidation Au-Ag systems including those at Veladero and Pascua-Lama.
Examples of vein-controlled enargite mineralization similar to El Indio are found locally. The drill results at Del Carmen Norte include 35m grading 2.2 g/t Au and 42.3 g/t Ag at Brecha Límite, 28m grading 1.53 g/t Au at Quebrada Pedregosa, a cumulative total of 91m grading >1 g/t Au including 49m @ 1.11 g/t Au and 16m @ 2.64 g/t Au and 6.1 g/t Ag at Naciente Quebrada Pedregosa and 142m grading 0.88 g/t Au and 13.7 g/t Ag (plus numerous other near-surface intersections) at Rojo Grande. The central massif of strong hydrothermal alteration that includes Rojo Grande and Naciente Quebrada Pedregosa will be the focus of drilling in 2010-2011. Drilling programs at Despoblados and Los Amarillos are also currently being planned.