Bachelor of Science (Geology) – 1979 – McGill University Masters of Science Applied (Mineral Exploration) – 1985 – McGill University Professional Geoscientist – 1988 – BC Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists I worked as an exploration geologist and geochemist for various junior and major companies from 1979 to 1994 including a four years as the Head of the Applied Geochemistry Unit at the BC Geological Survey.  In 1994 I began implementing an ISO 9000 Quality System for Acme Analytical Laboratories.  Upon achieving certification in 1996, Acme Labs was the first commercial mineral assay facility in the western hemisphere to receive this mark of quality.  In 1995 I spearheaded the Employee Share Ownership Program with great success whereby the employees eventually became the majority shareholders in 2005.  In that same year I became president of Acme Labs and directed the company through a period of 300% growth though to 2009.  In 2009 I became Co-chairman and then Executive Chairman in 2010 with the mandate to oversee shareholder value and investigate new directions and opportunities for our company. Segundo día: Miercoles, Septiembre 1, 09:40-10:00 New Analytical Horizons in Cu – Au Exploration Strong demand for Cu and Au remains unabated with only a momentary pause for the 2008-2009 World Recession.  Although record exploration funds were expended in 2003 to 2007 (and very likely to continue in 2010), these efforts met with limited success in discovering deposits of significant grade/size.   Given the devolution over the past three decades away from major-company funded grassroots exploration to venture-capital market funded brownfields exploration, the poor conversion from money-expended to discoveries-made should be entirely expected.  A renaissance in grassroots exploration will require new ideas and directions to identify the next generation of Cu and Au deposits. Acme Labs has a long history in pioneering practical analytical solutions.  Since its development a decade ago, Acme’s Group 1F-MS package was revolutionary in its approach by offering the industry’s first multi-element / multi-instrument / multi-sample media / multi-sample size test method.  This high degree of flexibility empowers the explorationist to tackle all styles of Cu-Au deposits.  Case studies are presented wherein the ultra-low detection limits of the ICP mass spectrometer and selective sample preparation isolating the clay-size fraction resolve deposit-related anomalous element patterns previously undetected in prior investigations.
