Weatherford is one of the largest global providers of advanced products and services that span the drilling, evaluation, completion, production and intervention cycles of oil and natural gas wells. Weatherford employs approximately 43,000 employees worldwide, operates in more than 100 countries with 800 service bases and 16 technology development and training facilities.
Mining services
Provider of advanced products and services that span the drilling, evaluation, completion, production and intervention cycles of oil and natural gas wells
High-resolution slimline logging from Weatherford provides advanced technology on a lightweight, low-cost platform.
Featuring a full scope of logging services (including sophisticated density, neutron and gamma ray measurements), our slimline services support conventional and unconventional resource applications such as:
Minerals (gold, silver, platinum, uranium, base metals)
- Coal and coalbed methane
- Oil shales
- Oil sands (heavy oil)
- Tight gas
- Gas hydrates
Diego Amante - Country Business
Unit Manager - WL Argentina Bolivia y Chile
Capital Federal Argentina
+ 54 11 5077 5200 + 54 11 5077 5201
diego.amante@la.weatherford.com weatherford.com