Argentina Mining Membership offers its members an exclusive benefit to participate in Latin Exploration 2010
The organizers of Argentina Mining, the premier international event of the mining sector in Argentina, present the second edition of Latin Exploration, a meeting created to deal with specific exploration topics, with the presence of distinguished local and international speakers.
Latin Exploration 2010 is the second edition of the International Conference on Exploration in Latin America that will be held on October 28- 29 at Panamericano Hotel in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The special price for members of Argentina Mining Membership is USD 250 + VAT. This offer is valid until September 30. After said date, registration fee will be USD 350 + VAT.
This event is directed to Presidents, CEOs, Vice-presidents and Exploration Managers of mining companies that are considering the region in their exploration strategies or those already installed; executives from suppliers of exploration services, as well as financers, brokers and other professionals involved in the finance side of the mining business.
Latin Exploration’s first edition was attended by over 120 executives from more than 80 companies. For further details, you can review Latin Exploration 2009 statistics, the event program, featured speakers, and the
list of participating companies.
The conference will cover the following topics:
- Exploration in main countries of the region.
- Commodities and their outlook.
- Alternatives of financing an exploration.
- Corporate strategies.
- Development of new markets.
- Outstanding projects.
- Corporate Social Responsibility during exploration.
Some of our featured speakers at Latin Exploration 2010 are:
Hans Von Michaelis. Randol International Ltd. |
Eduardo Lanao. Compañía Minera Milpo. |
Olga Mónica Herrero. Alex Stewart Argentina. |
Callum Grant, Wardrop |
Eugenio Ferrari, Votorantim Metais; |
Edmundo Tulcanaza; CODELCO |
Florencia Heredia. HOLT | Heredia, Oneto Gaona, Lede Pizzurno + Terrel Abogados.
Ricardo Martínez. Argentina Minera SA.
Christian Maudet, Energold
Jorge Valvano, FOMICRUZ
Eduardo Zappettini, SEGEMAR
Leduar Ramayo Cortés. Quantec Geoscience.
See the preliminary program >>
Get your discount and participate in Latin Exploration 2010, the event to find out first hand the current view and perspectives on exploration in Latin America.
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