The following Rules and Regulations apply to all delegates attending Argentina Mining 2024:

REGISTRATION FEE: Each delegate will pay a registration fee, and the amount will depend on the registration category and any discounts that may be available at that moment. The costs related to wire transfers are responsibility of the client.

FULL PAYMENT IS REQUIRED: Partial payments are not accepted. Conditional registration is when the registration form is received. The registration is confirmed when payment is received.

PRICES: Sometimes, inflation and currency exchanges can increase costs. The organizers reserve the right of modifying prices to compensate those changes.

TAXES: Added value tax is not included in the registration fee.  Each attendant will pay net value plus taxes.

REGISTRATION FEE INCLUDES:  attendance to technical sessions, materials, official cocktails, and other official activities specified in the official program. Menus are fixed, if special dishes or extras not included are desired each attendant must pay the additional cost.

REGISTRATION FEE DOES NOT INCLUDE: Airplane or bus tickets, hotel expenses, travel, luggage excess weight, passport processign, added value tax (referred as TAX, VAT or IVA), airport tax, tips; medical and hospital expenses, and any rescue expenses which result in delays due to bad weather conditions, travel conditions, sickness, governmental action, or flight delays. Alcoholic beverages, if not provided by the organizers, are considered additional. Any technical or tourist trip is also considered additional, as well as any sporting activity.

AIR FARES AND HOTEL RESERVATION:  Air ticket to and from the location of the conference must be organized by the attendant, who will be responsible of arriving to destiny according to official program.  HOTEL RESERVATION MAY BE HANDLED THROUGH HOTEL VENUE.

VISA: If you’re not an Argentinean citizen, you may need a valid passport to enter the country and a visa. In most cases, you don’t need a commercial visa to attend a conference or fair, however is responsibility of the attendant to inquire about this fact and obtaining the appropriate documentation. The travel agent can take care of this at an additional cost.

CANCELATION FROM PART OF THE ATTENDANTS: Every cancellation must be submitted in writing (letter, fax, e-mail, o telegram). It is recommended to obtain a trip cancellation insurance with the travel agency.

REFUND POLICY: After January 2024, no reimbursements will be approved. If a participant cannot attend and cannot cancel on time, he/she can designate a replacement, without additional cost. Please notify us of any replacement at 

Refund of air fares is subject to terms and conditions of the airline and will be responsibility of the attendant to request such refund.

UNUSED SERVICES: There will not be refund for any service or unused portions of the program, regardless of the reason.

PROGRAM ALTERATIONS: The organizers reserve the right to change or modify the program if necessary due to schedule changes or situations outside its control, without previous notification. There won’t be any refunds in such cases.

RISKS AND RESPONSIBILITY: The attendant and its company assume all risks related to injuries or accidents and any illness the attendant may experience during the activities and release the organizers of all responsibilities. The  organizers are only responsible for the service and decline all responsibilities for property damage or loss, personal health or accidents suffered during the participation of the attendant in any activity of this event.

CANCELATION FROM PART OF THE ORGANIZERS:  The organizers reserve the right to cancel the event partially or totally in any moment, if they consider that the conditions justify this decision or the cancellation is necessary for motives of convenience, comfort or safety of the attendants.


SPONSOR LOGO: All sponsorship categories include one logo per sponsor.

These rules and regulations were revised on August 11, 2017 and may have changes or revisions in any moment. These will be posted in this page.
