And now, Mendoza...
In light of the mining boom Argentina is experiencing, one of the provinces that imposed a law restricting the activity is rethinking its position.
During August, a piece of news much expected since 2006 was finally known: Vale – the new owner of the Potasio Rio Colorado potash project, until earlier this year property of Rio Tinto, who in turn had purchased it from Minera Tea in 2005 – received the approval of its Environmental Impact Declaration, key milestone for advancing towards the realization of the 3,000 M dollars project. After this, the company needs to continue with sectorial permits and define how the energy required will be obtained.
PRC will not only put Argentina on the potash market globally, but will be completed in full observance of the law 7722 still into effect in the province: the project does not include usage of any toxic substance. PRC proposes mining through dissolution, a process that consists in pumping hot water into a series of vertical holes of 1 km., where the mineral is located. The solution is then pumped back up where the potassium ... |