Más Vida Salud will participate as Copper Sponsor of Argentina Mining 2024.
MENDOZA, ARGENTINA. May 22, 2024. Argentina Mining is pleased to announce that Más Vida Salud, has confirmed its participation as Copper Sponsor at the 16th International Convention on Business Opportunities in Exploration, Geology and Mining, Argentina Mining 2024, which will take place August 28-30, 2024, in Salta Province.

“It is a pleasure that Más Vida Salud is part of the event, as Sponsor Copper of the most important mining convention in Argentina,” commented Javier Rojas, Director of Argentina Mining, the organizing company of the Argentina Mining 2024 Convention.

About Argentina Mining

Argentina Mining is a Marketing & Events firm and its objectives are gathering the mining community in Argentina and providing a place to promote the activity in the world, developing business opportunities: from mining companies –in production, construction or exploration-, mining equipment and services suppliers, consultants and mining professionals, among others. The company organizes the premium international event of the Argentinean mining sector, the Argentina Mining Conference and Exhibition, which takes place in Argentina since 1996, and the Latin Exploration Conference, among others. Additionally, it provides advisory services in public relations and marketing for companies in the sector, and develops supplementary products.

Learn more: http://www.argentinamining.com


At +VIDA they work and commit every day to their highest goal: to help protect the lives of their clients.
It is a young company made up of professionals with a track record and experience, with more than 150,000 services a year, mobile phones equipped with the latest technology and great operational logistics that aim to save lives.

For further information, please visit: https://www.masvida.com.ar/

