Copper in Argentina: a Golden Opportunity for Argentinean Mining.

In the last edition of the Argentina Mining Convention, Nivaldo Rojas, President of Rojas & Asociados Mining Consultants, made a detailed analysis of the possibilities and opportunities existing in Argentina for copper mining development. Just to give an idea, 14 ore deposits could be producing in Argentina, within a period of 5 to 10 years, and would generate over 332,000 M dollars. This amount would position the country as an important player in the industry compared to the US and Peru ... Read more >>

Guest Columnist

CSR: moving towards a valid mining activity in Latin America

By Eduardo Chaparro The very essence of mining makes the regular citizen wonder whether mining is valid since its footprints are extremely visible: large excavations, subsidence, aquifer pollution, and soil destruction are some of the damages that may be attributable to mineral extraction. From a different perspective, it is known that the concept of Sustainable Development is dynamic and, perhaps, it has evolved so fast that whenever a concept is generated ... Read more >>
Latin Exploration 2010: be part of the conference that gathers the key players of the region. 2nd International Conference on Exploration in Latin America. October 28 and 29, 2010. Panamericano Hotel. Buenos Aires. Argentina ... Read more >>
Silver Standard Resources Inc. is Platinum Sponsor of Latin Exploration 2010 MENDOZA, ARGENTINA. October 5th, 2010. Argentina Mining is pleased to announce that the Canadian company Silver Standard Resources, operator of Mina Pirquitas in Jujuy and owner of Diablillos project in Salta ... Read more >>
Pan American Silver is Gold Sponsor of Latin Exploration 2010. MENDOZA, ARGENTINA. September 29th, 2010. Argentina Mining is pleased to announce that Pan American Silver, operator of Mina Manantial Espejo in Santa Cruz province ....Read more >>
Argentina Mining 2010: the Premium mining convention ended. The eighth edition of the most important mining convention in Argentina ended in San Juan on its third day of conferences and exhibition … Read more >>
Wardrop Engineering is Copper Sponsor of Latin Exploration 2010. MENDOZA, Argentina. September 29, 2010. Argentina Mining announces that Wardrop Engineering Inc. has confirmed its participation as Copper Sponsor … See more >>
Votorantim Metais: Copper Sponsor for Latin Exploration 2010. MENDOZA, ARGENTINA. September 24th, 2010. Argentina Mining is pleased to announce that Votorantim Metais, Brazilian mining company … See more >>
