Once again, Argentina Mining ended successfully far exceeding all expectations.
See the 2008 edition in numbers.

-More than
2,700 participants including exhibitors, delegates, speakers, visitors, and students and academics of mine-related careers.
-Record of
800 companies gathered in a business exhibition and conferences delivered by renowned speakers belonging to the mining field.
-More than
130 booths and
120 companies present at the exhibition covering almost
4,000 m² in both indoor and outdoor spaces.
-More than
200 Business Round Meetings held between
9 mining companies and more than
45 suppliers.
2 International Pavilions: Canada and Chile.

28 Companies participated as Sponsors: Aquiline Resources, Andina Perforaciones SA, ASAP Consultores SA, Barrick, Castillian Resources Corp, Cerro Vanguardia, Coeur D’Alene, Compañía Minera Solitario Argentina SA, Distrocuyo SA, Exeter Resource Corporation, FMC Minera del Altiplano SA, Gemcom America Latina, Hochschild Mining - Minera Santa Cruz, Honeywell SAIC, Jackson Global Ltd, Jose Cartellone Construcciones Civiles SA, Mina Pirquitas Inc, Minera Alumbrera Ltd - Xstrata Copper Americas, Minera Andes SA, Minera Austral SA, Minera Triton Argentina SA, MWH, Ortiz - Ricolfe Abogados, PECRB Pastoriza Eviner Cangueiro Ruiz y Buljevich Abogados, Petra Gold Servicios Mineros, Rio Tinto Mining and Exploration Ltd, Silver Standard Resources Inc, Sodexo Argentina SA.
-The patronage of CAEM (Argentinean Chamber of Mining Businessmen); the Governments of Chile and Mendoza; the Embassies of Canada, Mexico, Korea, Peru, Brazil and Australia; GEMERA (Business Group of Exploring Mining Companies of the Argentine Republic), as well as the declaration of provincial interest in Mendoza.

87 speakers disserting during four days in two venues and 12 different thematic areas comprising
67 lectures.
-Numerous social events and networking possibilities, among them:
Opening Cocktail at San Juan with more than
300 attendants.
Official Dinner, held at Palatium, with the presence of the Secretary of Mining of San Juan, Felipe Saavedra, among other authorities. More than
600 attendants who enjoyed a delicious banquet, a tango show and international music. During the party, professionals were awarded special distinctions:
Facundo Huidobro, as Geologist
Jaime Bergé, as Engineer
Enrique Miguel González, as Journalist
Speakers Luncheon held at the traditional Enoteca at the Convention Center. Each speaker received a special gift for his significant contribution to the development of the conference.
Reception “Women in Mining” at Sheraton Hotel with the attendance of more than 70 women working in the mining sector.
Argentina Mining Wines at the Enoteca at the Convention Center. Attendants could enjoy a wine-tasting experience of some of the best wines of the province accompanied with live shows and art gallery.
-60 media -radio, TV and magazines- covering the event with the presence of the principal mining exponents: Mining Press, Panorama Minero, Business News Americas, El Pregón Minero and Minería Chilena; national and local massive media as Telam, Buenos Aires Económico, Los Andes, Diario Uno, Diario de Cuyo, Channel 7 and 9 from Mendoza, among others.
-Furthermore, promising results were obtained in the surveys. As regards the reasons for attending, the most popular ones were to contact clients and corporate presence. 98% of the participants showed their interest in attending future editions, while more than 64% found the event as excellent or very good. In conclusion, surveys reflect that attendants’ expectations were fulfilled.
We strongly believe that events as Argentina Mining strengthen the development of the sector. We trust each of us contributes to the growth of the mining industry.
We appreciate the participation of all the attendants who made possible Argentina Mining.
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The Executive Committee and Organizers.