7 Sep, 2018, 09:20 - 09:40

Miguel Martínez Salazar, Senior Geochemist South America, ALS Global

Curriculum Vitae
Miguel Martínez works as a Senior Geochemist for South America in the Business Development Area in ALS Global. His focus is the diffusion and support of new technologies and methodologies offered by the company. Before his current job, he served as a geologist for more than 15 years in metal mining. Most of that time he worked in exploration teams for copper deposits in Andes Mountain Range, using innovative geological exploration methods and techniques.


Hyperspectral reflectance spectroscopy is an optical technology that allows rapid and cost-effective collection of digital mineralogical information from drill cores, chips and cuttings. The high spectral resolution permits mapping of mineral species, and in some instances mineral chemistry, crystallinity and grain size can be discerned. Technologies to collect both point data and imagery are commercially available, are widely used in exploration and mining. This presentation uses case study examples to illustrate the application of hyperspectral core imaging data and products to mining projects, from exploration stage to producing mines and in a range of commodities and deposit types.